Health Talks
- Provided every month
- Employees sign up through WOTC
- Spouses are encouraged to join. Contact 307-235-7514 to register.
- All Full-Time and Part-Time employees are required to attend 2 Health Talks per Calendar Year*
2014 Scheduled Health Talks:
Cigna on-line tools you can use. Set yourself up an on-line Cigna account and learn how to navigate your personal account with Cigna. Classes offered at 10 am, 12 noon and 2 pm. Located in the City Center Building PD Conference Room.
Why you need a Primary Care Practioner ~with Dr. Ketura Talbot from Mesa Primary Care. Presentations will be offered at 10 am and 2 pm in the Council Chambers Room.
What Your Pharmacist Wishes You Knew~with Patti Nelson, Pharmacist from Wyoming Medical Center. Presentations will be offered at 10 am and 2 pm in the Council Chambers Room.
- April 14, 2015 (10 am & 2 pm)_ AND April 23 (10 am & 2 pm)
Common Shoulder & Neck Conditions, Prevention Techniques & Non-Surgical Treatment Options~with North Platte Physical Therapy. Presentations will be offered at 10 am and 2 pm in the Council Chambers Room.
- May 2015 (TBA)
- June 2015 (TBA)
- July 2015 (TBA)
- August 2015 (TBA)
- September 2015 (TBA)
- October 2015 (TBA)
- November 2015 (TBA)
- December 2015 (TBA)
Health Happenings
- Employee Fitness Test, June 2015 AND August 2015
- City Annual Blood Draw & Health Evaluation July 2015 - August 2015
- Health Benefits Open Enrollment, September 7-30, 2015.
- October 2015 Flu Shot Clinic, City Hall Lobby.
- Turkey Shuffle Challenge, November 2015.
- Holiday Health Challenge, December 2015.