The City of Casper is considering substantial renovations and improvements to the Westridge area of Casper (Westridge Circle, Westridge Terrace, Westridge Drive and Westwood Hill), including neighborhood streets, sidewalks, water and sewer lines. Constructed 60-70 years ago, the streets and sidewalks are deteriorating while the water lines frequently fail and need replaced. This project is known as Local Assessment District (LAD) No. 159.

If the project is approved by impacted property owners, the City would assume about 65% of estimated total costs, while property owners would pay for renovations to their lot. If the City does not receive Formal Objections from at least 50% of all property owners by 12 P.M. on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the project will be approved and move forward. As of May 1, few Formal Objections have been made.

Formal Objections must be made in writing via mail or email. All Objections must state the name of the objector, address, and whether objecting to LAD No. 159.

Mail: Casper City Clerk’s Office

          200 N. David St.

          Casper, WY 82601

Email: To: [email protected]

            CC: [email protected]

                     [email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions

Is this project necessary?

The City of Casper considers it necessary. The infrastructure in this area is past its lifespan, and the streets, sidewalks, water and sewer lines are all in need of repair. Performing this maintenance all at once is the most cost-effective way.

Aren’t streets, sidewalks and water/sewer lines the City’s responsibility?

The Casper Municipal Code requires property owners to maintain sidewalks, curbs and gutters in good repair and safe condition. Additionally, property owners own the sanitary sewer services that connect to City-owned main lines. In other words, the City is responsible for most of this infrastructure, but property owners are responsible for some, as well. This is why the City would pay approximately 65% of the estimated total costs and property owners would pay around 35%. This construction would not repair or renovate any water or sewer lines past the City’s curbstop, which are solely owned and maintained by property owners.

How much would this cost me?

It depends on the size of your lot and your proximity to water and sewer lines. All costs are calculated according to the following: 1) $65/lineal footage of concrete curbwalk; + 2) $50/lineal footage of sanitary sewer pipe replaced; + 3) Approximately 15% of professional costs.

To give these numbers some context, here’s an example of a 60’ lot located on the near side from the sewer main:

                Remove and replace concrete curbwalk: (60’ + 13.33’) X $65/ft = $4,766

                Remove and replace sanitary sewer service: 16’ X $50/ft = $800

                ($4,766 + $800) X 1.15 = $6,401 total assessment

Please note that this estimate is an example and is intended to serve as a general representation. All lots and total costs will be different.

To assist with the cost of this project, the City of Casper is offering financing for property owners. Payments would be spread out over 10 equal annual installments at a 3% interest rate.

Using our 60’ lot example: $6,401 total assessment with 3% interest over 10 years = $748 annual payments = $7,480 total cost over ten years

You can choose to make payments more frequently than the required annual installment at no penalty. Depending on the amount and frequency of additional payments, this would lower your total cost.

The City sympathizes that these costs might seem steep. However, this is an important and significant investment into your property. It will help prevent future backups and plumbing failures while improving your streets and sidewalks.

When would I start paying?

Payment (or your first installment) would be expected at the conclusion of construction. Should the project be approved, construction is tentatively scheduled to begin July 2023 and conclude August 2024.

I am not in favor of LAD No. 159. What do I do?

File a Formal Objection as soon as possible. Formal Objections must be made in writing via mail or email by 12 P.M. on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. All Objections must state the name of the objector, address, and whether objecting to LAD No. 159.

Mail: Casper City Clerk’s Office

          200 N. David St.

          Casper, WY 82601

Email: To: [email protected]

            CC: [email protected]

                     [email protected]

You are invited to speak at the remaining Public Readings during City Council meetings to voice your concerns: Tuesday, May 2 and Tuesday, May 16 2023 at Casper City Hall beginning at 6 pm.

You may also contact your Ward II Councilors:

Michael Bond: [email protected]; 307.259.9521

Lisa Engebretsen: [email protected]; 307.262.9740

Kyle Gamroth: [email protected]; 307.439.4069

Finally, please tell your neighbors. This is obviously an impactful, consequential outcome, and we want all Westridge Area residents and property owners to know what’s coming and have the opportunity to voice their positions.

Please note that if the City receives Formal Objections from less than 50% of all area property owners, the project will move forward. As of now, few Formal Objections have been filed.

I am in favor of LAD No. 159. What do I do?

Officially, you don’t need to do anything. If you don’t submit a Formal Objection, the City assumes you are in favor of the project. Please tell your neighbors. This is obviously an impactful, consequential project, and we want all Westridge Area residents and property owners to know what’s coming and have the opportunity to voice their positions.

You are invited to speak at the remaining Public Readings during City Council meetings to share your support: Tuesday, May 2 and Tuesday, May 16 2023 at Casper City Hall beginning at 6 pm.

You may also contact your Ward II Councilors:

Michael Bond: [email protected]; 307.259.9521

Lisa Engebretsen: [email protected]; 307.262.9740

Kyle Gamroth: [email protected]; 307.439.4069

Please note that if the City receives Formal Objections from less than 50% of property owners, the project will move forward. As of now, few Formal Objections have been filed.

Should I replace other plumbing during this construction?

That would be up to the property owner, but it is a good opportunity. Remember that the City’s construction will not impact your privately-owned water and sewer lines beyond the City-owned lines. However, because this is an older neighborhood, many of the pipes are clay or galvanized iron, which are decades old and often need replaced. If your pipes break down into failure, your property could experience leaks or even flooding. Since the streets and sidewalks are going already to be dug up (which would save you a significant expense if you were to make these renovations at any other time), this might be a good time to consider additional maintenance to your pipes. A private plumber would need to do this, and it would be an additional cost.

I have other questions. What do I do?

Please submit your questions below, and the City will get back to you. Thank you for your involvement with this project and our Casper community.


Questions & Comments

  Last Name

  First Name

  Email Address

  Phone Number

 Street Address

 City, State, Zip


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